Ross Recreation is excited to announce that the first Netplex in California has been installed!
The lucky school to lay claim to the first Netplex is Sand Hill School in Palo Alto. Sand Hill School is part of Children’s Health Council (CHC), a unique organization dedicated to children with ADHD and inattention, Autism Spectrum Disorder, learning challenges and anxiety and depression. CHC empowers children with social, emotional, physical and academic learning to uncover their greatest potential.
At the Sand Hill School, students are encouraged and taught to build a positive sense of self, to take pride in accomplishments, as well as to learn how to make and be a friend. With all of this in mind, Ross Recreation was thrilled to have the opportunity to work alongside CHC to design and create a playground design worthy of the efforts of this school and program. CHC was drawn to the concept of Landscape Structures’ Netplex from the very beginning of the interactive design process.
The Netplex system was designed to push kids beyond expected boundaries, into a world of interconnected climbing nets where there’s no right or wrong way to play. For the children of Sand Hill School, Netplex helps kids build confidence and healthy development skills, all while getting a full dose of fun, in an inclusive play environment.
Complimentary to the Netplex, this play structure also boasts an Evos O-Zone Climber, Gyro Twister, Cascade Climber, Arch Swing, Rushwinder Slide, Disc Challenge, and RingTangle Climber, among many other play components. This play structure is a perfect example of continuous play, where kids can move from one element to the next without ever needing to touch the ground.
We had the opportunity to go visit the school once the Netplex was installed to see first hand what the students thought of their new playground equipment. It certainly was a hub for creative play, with one student referring to it as “The Castle” of the playground, where you could climb all the way to the top and be a lookout with your loyal subjects below.
We are proud of this project, the partnership that developed between Ross Recreation and Children’s Health Council and the especially the excitement the students will experience time and time again when they rush out of their classes to their new Landscape Structures playground equipment.