We want to share a very special project with you that showcases perfectly the reason why we have worked alongside communities for over 40 years to build playgrounds. Members of the Humboldt community understand that playgrounds are more than metal and plastic; they are places where people come together to meet their neighbors, turn strangers into friends, and let our differences fall away in the pursuit of good old-fashioned fun.
The Greenview Playground Project in Arcata was a true labor of love, supported by the entire Humboldt community. Community members, local businesses, contractors and local government came together to build a play space where people (not just kids!) of all ages and abilities would find a safe haven to play, relax and feel included and wanted. The initial vision was inspired by a local young man who wanted a place where he would be able to play in his wheelchair alongside his younger sisters at their neighborhood park.
From there this project took off and evolved to try to include something for every potentially forgotten member of the community; injured veterans who desire a place to relax and reflect, visually impaired or blind people who may have a hard time traversing a typical playground, kids and adults with autism or sensory processing disorders who benefit greatly from sensory stimulation, low-income community members who may not be able to afford a gym membership, but want a place to get healthy, and many others. Every piece of this park design was thought out and selected with care in the hopes that all kinds of people would be drawn together and that the community as a whole could learn and grow in this space.
Ross Recreation was honored to be involved with this group of forward thinking community members and to help them shape this project and the conversation about what a park can be for a community. This is the true definition of Building Community. If you are in the area, be sure to stop by and play. To learn more about inclusive play visit www.playlsi.com/inclusiveplay or contact our team of consultants.